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Ben Avigdor 18 Tel Aviv-Yafo Online  +972545345555

What is the purpose of my life? Should I stay in an unhappy marriage for the children? Can I find fulfillment in a job I don't consider meaningful? What legacy do I want to leave behind? Should I forgive my partner for betrayal? Can remaining in a marriage sometimes be a greater betrayal than engaging in an affair? What role do relationships play in shaping the purpose of my life? How can I foster a sense of purpose in the face of uncertainty and change? Is my pursuit of happiness selfish? How do I define success, or failure? 


Our lives are full of questions and contradictions, which contribute immensely to our suffering.

In order to be able to make decisions, act on them, and feel complete about our actions, we need to have a philosophy.

Our philosophy is what dictate our outcomes and our sense of life.

It determines who we are.

When we identify the foundational elements of our philosophy, 

we can unlock a harmonious path to clarity, purpose, and transformative growth.

Here, we will work together to:

> Reduce background noises and define fundamental questions

> Learn to navigate between maintaining a flexible perspective and determining boundaries and solutions

> Discern true desires from the different declared wants, and between stated threats and real limitations

> Identify genuine desires amid various expressed preferences and distinguish between stated threats and actual constraints

> Discover how our physical experiences can guide us to the right questions, clarify our conceptual path, and assist us in articulating previously unexpressed thoughts, using FOT (Focusing Oriented Therapy).

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Hi everyone, my name is Adi Tenenbaum, and I am here to help you walk with lighter feet through whatever difficulty you're facing, provide you with the tools for a renewed understanding of your way, and empower you towards self-realization.


I'm a Western Philosophy researcher (MA), practitioner and guide; a certified FOT (Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy) coach certified by the International Focusing Institute, a Tai Chi teacher, a published writer at Israel's business and finance newspaper, and a proud mother of a big dog. 

I gravitated towards these fields after recognizing that for many individuals, both our physical sensations and our cognitive framework - aspects often disregarded in conventional therapy - play a crucial role in comprehending their experiences and fostering personal growth.

This significance stems from their intricate connection with our emotions, as they provide insight into the context in which our emotions function and influence our behaviors.

It also became evident that people today seek a more straightforward approach to addressing their challenges. This framework allows individuals just that, as it address the most direct levels of our experience. 

How it works

  • 1:1 session, frontal and/or zoom

  • Attendance can vary greatly.

  • We can define a plan focused on a specific issue and goal, or we can take a more holistic approach, considering a comprehensive strategy that addresses multiple facets and overarching objectives.

  • In our sessions, we will work together to navigate your current or ongoing challenges, explore your constraints, and chart a path towards clarity, purpose, and personal growth.


As a human being you have no choice about the fact that you need a philosophy. You’re only choice is weather you define your philosophy by conscious process of thought […] or let your subconscious accumulate a junk heap of unwarranted conclusions, false generalizations, undefined contradictions, undigested slogans, unidentified wishes, doubts, and fears, drawn together by chance but integrated into your subconscious into a kind of mongrel philosophy and fused into a single, solid weight, self-doubt, like a ball and chain in the place where your mind’s wings should have grown.


- Ayn Rand

Get in touch

Ben Avigdor 18, Tel Aviv-Yafo / Online +972545345555

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